New Jersey Town Pays $35000 In False DUI Arrest Settlement
MANASQUAN, N.J. – According to a report released by the Asbury Park Press, New Jersey town has paid the huge amount of $35,000 in a settlement with a man who claims he was falsely taken into custody on a DUI charge.
Court documents state that Mylod claims he was taken into custody by Detective Adam Pharo as he approached him while he was at Dunkin’ Donuts and was throwing garbage from his vehicle in a garbage can.
He said the detective planted a beer can in the garbage can and administered an inaccurate field sobriety test before he passed a Breathalyzer test. The case happened in 2014.
The lawsuit was filed back in 2015 and in March, Manasquan reached a settlement with Michael Mylod. Court records also show that Mylod cited false arrest and civil rights violations in the lawsuit.
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